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Inheritance in java

Inheritance we can say is the (super-sub) or (parent-child) or (base-derived) class relationship.
Inheritance is the main feature of object oriented programming through which the sub class inherits the features of its base class.

Types of Inheritance

1. Single Inheritance :

If a class inherits the features of another class, then it is known as single inheritance.
In java, a class inherits another class with the keyword ‘extends’.
class A
  int i;
class B extends A //how class inherits another class. { int j; // now this class automatically has i inherited variable. }

2. Hierarchical Inheritance :

In this type of inheritance, multiple classes inherit the same class.
class A
class B extends A
class C extends A

3. Multilevel Inheritance :

Multilevel inheritance can be understand with the below example.

class A 
class B extends A 
class C extends B 

In the above example, class C inherits A but not directly, it inherits through B class.

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